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Family office dream team
An effective family office requires the right mix of internal and external capabilities to balance best-in-cost with best-in-class.

How Cost Segregation Studies Help Real Estate Owners Defer Taxes
Real estate owners who have purchased, constructed or renovated real estate should consider performing a cost segregation study to accelerate ...

RSM Survey Shows How COVID-19 Has Influenced a Transformation of the Working World
A permanent workforce transformation is well underway in the middle market, according to the RSM US Middle Market Business Index (MMBI) Back to ...

How the Federal Reserve Fights Inflation
With inflation recently rising to levels not seen in decades, the Federal Reserve is taking steps to stabilize prices. Watch this short video ...

Protecting Wealth With a Life Insurance Trust
A life insurance trust is an estate planning tool for maximizing the value of an estate passed to one's heirs. Learn how a life insurance trust ...

IRS releases guidance on Q4 removal of employee retention credit
Employers need to react quickly to the new guidance to pay in amounts as if they were incurred on Dec. 31, 2021.

Valuing Your Business
A business valuation helps to determine the fair market value of a company and may be needed for a variety of reasons such as buying or selling ...

IRS clarifies temporary deductibility of per diem meal expenses
The IRS issued Notice 2021-63, clarifying previous guidance pertaining to the deductibility of food and beverages provided by a restaurant.

Tax Implications of the Infrastructure Act
On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. In this video, we will cover three ...

House passes infrastructure legislation; sends bill to President Biden
Bipartisan infrastructure bill passes House with bipartisan vote. President Biden expected to sign by end of next week.

President Biden signs American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
$1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan with broad individual relief and new coronavirus-related funding enacted into law.

Leveraging a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust
The lifetime gift tax exemption is at an all-time high of $11.7 million per individual and $23.4 million per couple but may be reduced in the ...

SBA Enhances the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
The SBA has modified and enhanced the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program to expand both eligibility and program benefits. In this ...

House Ways and Means Committee Proposed Tax Changes
The House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee recently released draft legislation that would increase taxes to help pay for the proposed ...

Tax Benefits of Opportunity Zone Funds
The proposed plan to increase long-term capital gains tax rates has motivated investors to seek opportunities to defer and reduce capital gains ...