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Proposed regulations on using forfeitures in retirement plans

Proposed regulations on using forfeitures in retirement plans

Proposed regulations REG-122286-18, released Feb. 24, provide guidelines for plan administrators to use forfeited amounts in retirement plans.
Kentucky enacts personal income tax rate reduction

Kentucky enacts personal income tax rate reduction

The Kentucky general assembly takes action to ensure a 0.5% reduction for 2024, following up on a similar reduction effective in 2023.
IRS releases guidance on Q4 removal of employee retention credit

IRS releases guidance on Q4 removal of employee retention credit

Employers need to react quickly to the new guidance to pay in amounts as if they were incurred on Dec. 31, 2021.
IRS clarifies temporary deductibility of per diem meal expenses

IRS clarifies temporary deductibility of per diem meal expenses

The IRS issued Notice 2021-63, clarifying previous guidance pertaining to the deductibility of food and beverages provided by a restaurant.
House passes infrastructure legislation; sends bill to President Biden

House passes infrastructure legislation; sends bill to President Biden

Bipartisan infrastructure bill passes House with bipartisan vote. President Biden expected to sign by end of next week.
President Biden signs American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

President Biden signs American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

$1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan with broad individual relief and new coronavirus-related funding enacted into law.
The IRS provides further guidance on the Employee Retention Tax Credit

The IRS provides further guidance on the Employee Retention Tax Credit

The Relief Act made changes on how the Employee Retention Tax Credit works during the first two quarters of 2021.
What we know about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

What we know about the Restaurant Revitalization Fund

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 creates $28.6 billion grant program for restaurants and other food or beverage service companies.
Guidance issued for employers claiming the Employee Retention Credit

Guidance issued for employers claiming the Employee Retention Credit

Notice 2021-20 clarifies retroactive changes made to ERTC and PPP interaction and incorporates several previous frequently asked questions.